Source code for torch_scatter.composite.softmax

import torch

from torch_scatter import scatter_add, scatter_max

[docs]def scatter_softmax(src, index, dim=-1, eps=1e-12): r""" Softmax operation over all values in :attr:`src` tensor that share indices specified in the :attr:`index` tensor along a given axis :attr:`dim`. For one-dimensional tensors, the operation computes .. math:: \mathrm{out}_i = {\textrm{softmax}(\mathrm{src})}_i = \frac{\exp(\mathrm{src}_i)}{\sum_j \exp(\mathrm{src}_j)} where :math:`\sum_j` is over :math:`j` such that :math:`\mathrm{index}_j = i`. Args: src (Tensor): The source tensor. index (LongTensor): The indices of elements to scatter. dim (int, optional): The axis along which to index. (default: :obj:`-1`) eps (float, optional): Small value to ensure numerical stability. (default: :obj:`1e-12`) :rtype: :class:`Tensor` """ if not torch.is_floating_point(src): raise ValueError('`scatter_softmax` can only be computed over tensors ' 'with floating point data types.') max_value_per_index, _ = scatter_max(src, index, dim=dim, fill_value=0) max_per_src_element = max_value_per_index.gather(dim, index) recentered_scores = src - max_per_src_element recentered_scores_exp = recentered_scores.exp() sum_per_index = scatter_add(recentered_scores_exp, index, dim=dim) normalizing_constants = (sum_per_index + eps).gather(dim, index) return recentered_scores_exp / normalizing_constants
[docs]def scatter_log_softmax(src, index, dim=-1, eps=1e-12): r""" Log-softmax operation over all values in :attr:`src` tensor that share indices specified in the :attr:`index` tensor along a given axis :attr:`dim`. For one-dimensional tensors, the operation computes .. math:: \mathrm{out}_i = {\textrm{log_softmax}(\mathrm{src})}_i = \log \left( \frac{\exp(\mathrm{src}_i)}{\sum_j \exp(\mathrm{src}_j)} \right) where :math:`\sum_j` is over :math:`j` such that :math:`\mathrm{index}_j = i`. Args: src (Tensor): The source tensor. index (LongTensor): The indices of elements to scatter. dim (int, optional): The axis along which to index. (default: :obj:`-1`) eps (float, optional): Small value to ensure numerical stability. (default: :obj:`1e-12`) :rtype: :class:`Tensor` """ if not torch.is_floating_point(src): raise ValueError('`scatter_log_softmax` can only be computed over ' 'tensors with floating point data types.') max_value_per_index, _ = scatter_max(src, index, dim=dim, fill_value=0) max_per_src_element = max_value_per_index.gather(dim, index) recentered_scores = src - max_per_src_element sum_per_index = scatter_add(src=recentered_scores.exp(), index=index, dim=dim) normalizing_constants = torch.log(sum_per_index + eps).gather(dim, index) return recentered_scores - normalizing_constants